Feb. 19th - Prayer for Greed

I went to the Father today in prayer and ask him what was the greatest need in the world. I heard the word Greed. When I turned on my computer today, I saw the most beautiful photo of Tree's, they were from Essen, Germany and the story behind them said this city went from industry to green. Read more about it here essens-award-winning-blueprint-for-greening-the-postindustrial-city it made me think of where I was raised which was in the suburbs, we had tree's but it was house on top of house so to speak, and personally, my spirit loved being surrounded by nature and animals. I know this because we would go hiking as a family in the state parks, and forests and at times I would go way ahead, just to be in the silence of it all, it was an experience that I craved. I now live in the Mountains and am surrounded by forest and wildlife and love it so much. I could not ever imagine going back to city noise and non-stop life. For me, I think of that as Greed, because we as mankind seem to always take away the beauty that God our creator put here for us to enjoy. We choose to kill and cut down and reshape everything that was here and beautiful and free. I could write a journal on this subject, but want to keep these posts short.

So today Father, I pray that Greed would leave this world, that people would wake up and see and experience the beauty and freedom in which you gave to us all, they would know because their spirit would be connected to something greater than themselves, I ask this prayer in Jesus name, pour your Spirit down and out across this world and help people to see the real truth. amen

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